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Student Loans/Postgraduate Loans

1 min read

To add a new student or postgraduate loan: #

Click on employee >> tax and loans >> change/stop loans >> select yes on the loan  you require or both, if only one you will need to select no to the other >> select the plan required (student loans only) >> select the date you would like the payments to start >> save

Adding Loan

To end/stop student or postgraduate loan: #

Click on employee >> tax and loans >> change/stop loans >> select no to the one you require or both >> select the date you would like the payments to stop >> save

To change a loan plan: #

Click on employee >> tax and loans >> change/stop loans >> select yes to the one you require >> select the plan you require >> select the date you would like the payments to stop >> save


Please note that if you have both SL and PG loans, each time you apply a change, you need to ensure both are ticked as Yes as this will override all previous settings.
You will be able to delete any changes up until the payrun is finalised.