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Uploading an Employee CSV File

< 1 min read

Click on the employee’s icon >> select upload CSV >> download CSV template >> you will then need to copy and paste your employee’s information into the CSV 

Before you can upload you will need to make sure you complete the following:

  • All columns with a * must be filled in
  • When adding a title Mr. Mrs. and Ms. they must have a full stop at the end, the others do not have a full stop
  • Gender will need to be all lowercase
  • NI and tax code boxes must be entered
  • Pay method will need to be either no account, bank account or building society. If you are adding either bank account or building society, you will need to add the account details too
  • On the days worked it can only be numbers entered not letters

Once you have completed the above you will be able to upload the CSV

Downloading an employee CSV file

Click on the employee’s icon >> select export CSV >> this will then export all the employee details for the selected company